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Project Title: Development of catheter-based point of care rapid multi-stage diagnostics towards surveillance of patients with urinary tract infection

​Funding Agency: Department of Science and Technology (DST)-Technology Innovation Hub (TIH)

Duration: April 2022— Oct. 2023​

Role: Principal Investigator

Project Title: Fabrication of bio-absorbable rigid internal fixation system using indigenous biosynthesized polymer

​Funding Agency: DHR-ICMR

Duration: Aug. 2022— July 2025

​Role: Principal Investigator

Project Title: Establishing Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Center& NNP

​Funding Agency: Department of Biotechnology (DBT)

Duration: Aug. 2020— July 2025

​Role: Co-Principal Investigator


​Project Title: Combating Carbapenem Resistance Enterobacteriaceae (CRE): Using combinatorial approach of conventional therapeutics and theranostic nanomedicine

​Funding Agency: SPARC-MHRD

​Duration: 2019—2022

​Role: Principal Investigator

​Project Title: Evaluation of the functional implications of Angiotensin-converting enzyme2 (ACE2) gene polymorphisms in Indian population and their role in the infectivity and outcome of SARS CoV2 infection in Indian COVID19 patients: a multi-centric study

​Funding Agency: AIIMS NETWORK

​Duration: 2020—2022

​Role: Co-Principal Investigator


​Project Title:  Developing novel antimicrobial therapeutics by exploring multi-enzyme targets

​​Funding Agency: ICMR

​Duration: 2017—2020

​Role: Principal Investigator

​Project Title:  Edible oil blend from lignocellulosic pentosans and other raw materials

​​Funding Agency: DBT-BIRAC

​Duration: 2018—2021

​Role: Co-Principal Investigator​

Project Title: Development of Novel therapeutics against drug-resistant beta-lactamases
Funding Agency: Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB)

Duration: 2017 - 2020

​Role: Principal Investigator

Project Title: Identification and characterization of novel inhibitors against medicinally important beta-lactamases.
Funding Agency: FIG-MHRD

Duration: 2014 - 2017

​Role: Principal Investigator


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