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Understanding the problem of Antimicrobial Resistance using interdisciplinary approaches                                           


Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a phenomenon where an organism becomes resistant to a given chemical and is therefore unaffected by treatment with that chemical agent. Although antibiotic resistance is a natural process, it has been enhanced by the human use of antibiotics. There is a significant concern and attention to the emergence of pathogenic strains resistant to these compounds. In recent days we focus on antibiotic resistance in the clinical environment and unnoticed the fact that this phenomenon may have taken place in the natural environment where the environment can also act as a reservoir of resistance. Holistic approach-involving human environments and natural environments are necessary to create lasting policy change to preserve antibiotics and understand antibiotic resistance. Read more

Synthesis and application of green biodegradable polymers from sustainable waste sources


The conventional plastic materials used in the packaging are very inexpensive, lightweight, durable, strong, corrosion-resistant, thermal, and electrically insulated. These are the properties of synthetic plastic that make them a suitable packaging material. These ubiquitous plastics accumulated in the natural environment and form landfills and create lots of problem problems for marine as well as terrestrial life. Fragments of plastic contaminating compost prepared from municipal solid waste and plastics mix with streams, rivers, and ultimately the sea with rain water and flood events, deteriorating the natural habitats poorly. Many groups are currently focusing on biodegradable polymers as an alternative to conventional plastic to solve this problem. Polyhydroxyalkanoate is one of the alternatives for these non-biodegradable synthetic plasticthis non-biodegradable synthetic plastic. The biologically synthesized polymers are quite expensive in comparison to synthetic polymers hence the selection of carbon source for PHA production is a big challenge to control the cost of production. The utilization of agricultural and municipal waste for the production of PHA significantly reduces the cost of production. Read more

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